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Skinny Horse Protocol

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The feeding of concentrated calories to a starving horse can lead to a fatal condition called Refeeding Syndrome.  This syndrome can cause irreversible kidney, heart and respiratory failure 3 to 5 days after the first feeding.

When refeeding a starving horse it is important to avoid carbohydrates and offer frequent small meals of high-quality alfalfa instead.  


Here is the recommended refeeding protocol from UC Davis


Days 1-3
Feed one pound (~ 1/6 of a flake) of good alfalfa hay every 4 hrs for a total of 6 lbs per day divided into six feedings. Contact a vet to evaluate the medical status of the horse.

Days 4-10
Slowly increase the amount of alfalfa and decrease the number of feedings so that by day six, you are feeding just over 4 lbs of hay every 8 hrs (total of 13 lbs per day in 3 feedings).

Days 10 – several months
Feed as much alfalfa as the horse will eat and decrease feeding to twice a day. Provide access to a salt block. Do NOT feed grain, treats or other supplements until the horse is well along in his recovery; early feeding of grain and supplemental material complicates the return of normal metabolic function and can result in death.


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